Client: Volkswagen Group
Futuristic Website for the Future of Mobility
# Front-end development

New mobility concepts and alternative drive technologies
The vehicles of the future will be more networked, more intelligent and above all – more sustainable. A first step on the path to this new automotive future is electric mobility. The first step on the path towards the right communication of it all is also a well-thought online presence.
The automotive industry stands poised at the threshold of a new era: urban expansion, increase in traffic and its overall impact on the environment and climate. This all demands new mobility concepts and alternative drive technologies, which offer significant opportunities and potential.
Gläserne Manufaktur (a Volkswagen brand showcase & production site of the electric Golf) has made it its mission to make this transformation tangible and clear to its visitors, guests and customers alike.
Restore user connectivity. We had to deal with:
- the rigid structure and sober narrative style of the old website resulted in an underwhelming user experience,
- this, combined with a lack of a content-relevant brand experience, was the reason that users were less engaged on the website,
- above all, the user retention rate was extremely low.
With modern approaches to a great experience:
- use of a digital-storytelling content approach (applied by our partners C3),
- redesign of the website: to bring its visitors an open, transparent and tangible experience (as the glass production facility is itself),
- application of the latest content marketing standards: with an emphasis on lively and dynamic content, high image-to-content ratio and lastly – supported with simple navigation structure and understandable language.
Hibiscus patternlab
Magnolia cms
Redesigned website with an appealing front-end implementation (using the Hibiscus Patternlab bridge for the Magnolia CMS). Reached by working with C3’s top design and content teams.
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